The police search the area round the house for clue. 警察为寻找线索检查了住宅周围的地方。
To search aesthetic from "the form" and "the color" of city scenery, and use the color of modern city environment as a clue to carry through the art education; 从城市景观中的形和色探索美学,以现代城市环境色彩为线索进行美术教育;
One can search agriculture information on the Internet by using special searching gateway websites, Key words, reverse direction methods, the methods of following up a clue, translation software, special name and expansion name of network, etc. 可利用专门的搜索门户网站、关键词、倒推法、顺藤摸瓜法、翻译软件、网络实名、扩展名等进行农业信息的搜索利用。